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Maggie M. Carey

CEO Master It Media

With over 35 years of Information Technology experience, Maggie Carey has worked with government agencies, private industries, non-profits, and publishing companies. She blends her theatrical background with her corporate experience to educate businesses on developing an engaging social media presence to gain a loyal audience. Master It Media was born out of a passion for reducing the stress businesses experience when leveraging social media's ever-changing landscape. 

Chris Mateo

Founder & CEO iDayDream Studios

Over 10 years in Creative Marketing & Management, Chris started the iDayDream community out of a need to serve the Creatives who face the same problems. 

Using industry-leading tactics and top-secret marketing hacks, Chris has developed in-house methods to take multiple brands from no hope to Profit and Media Tours.

Kenneth Vasquez

Co-Founder & COO iDayDream Studios

Over 10 years as a Recording Artist & Creative Director, Kenny started the iDayDream Community out of a need to solve his own Creative Roadblocks. Starting off with a broken microphone, neighbor's laptop and his parents basement, all he had was a DREAM to make it out the struggle through creativity and passion leading him to go on tour, radio, lose over 80lbs, all while creating a production agency in his hometown helping creatives and small businesses around the world to Profit Off Passion!


"Maggie is very knowledgeable about all aspects of social media, and she readily shares her expertise with us. She has a very professional and patient way of presenting the information, and has proven very helpful to me in marketing my organization. Thank you, Maggie!"
I am naturally passionate and know the "why" of my business. However I had trouble with the "how" of reaching my customers and getting them to buy into my business. Chris and his team were able to help me get savvy to social media and help me develop a strategy for getting more customers.
Educational and helpful I would definitely recommend iDayDream to any e-commerce business.
I called on Maggie when I needed an ad for our Chamber Directory and she nailed it! I absolutely love my ad!! and she made it seem effortless. Master It Media gets my highest recommendation. 5 star all the way!


iDayDream Studios is a Full-Service Media Agency specializing in Online Marketing, Branding & Production! We develop marketing and branding campaigns to market and manage your business to the next level. 

 Master It Media educates businesses on developing an engaging online presence that will skyrocket their promotion for less time, money, and stress in order to cultivate a loyal audience.

In Today's Free Masterclass...

Secret #1

People see over 4,000 ads a day! See how YOU can shine above all of them!

Secret #3

Witness how just by using these exact words you can literally sell anything, to anyone - anytime!

Secret #2

Learn how to create an offer so good, that people will actually fear missing it!

Secret #4

The ONE main reason people are not opening your emails.

Copyright iDayDream Studios 2020

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